Monday, July 20, 2009

i heart pittymcpittsburgh

Pittsburgh is one of those cities that makes me happy. Coming from the south side you drive through a tunnel on I-279 to enter the city. You can't see anything but tunnel and then bam! you're on a bridge facing the cityscape of wonderful Pittsburgh. And this made me happy. Unlike the spread out nature of Indianapolis, Pittsburgh has a really hilly topography that reminds me a lot of San Fransisco.*
Before I shot the wedding on Saturday, I got to tout around with my good friend Nate in Oakland (one of the city's neighborhoods that houses Pitt and Carnegie-Mellon). And then on my way back to Indy, I saw these sweet hills from the interstate. I exited and drove around until I found them. I couldn't tell if I was trespassing or not but I didn't want to find out when I saw guy on a four-wheeler speeding my way at the bottom of the hill. I started running toward my car and turned back around and saw a giant school bus coming down the hill. A school bus?!?!! A school bus is chasing me? I thought this is way too freaky, bailed ship, got in my car and quickly drove away.
*I've never been to S.F.

Now imagine a yellow school bus coming from behind this hill trying to run over you while you run for your life.

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